N.A.A (Notebook Addiction Anonymous)

‘Hi my name is Alex.’

‘Hi Alex!’

So if you know me (most of you probably don’t yet that’s okay) you know or will know that I have a notebook addiction.

Some would call it a problem but I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. *smh*

Pen & Paper vs. Digital:

I’ve always had a notebook with me pretty much since middle school. I seem to always have something I need to write down. Whether it’s an idea or just a simple reminder.

No matter how much technology advances I still prefer a pen and paper over a phone reminder. Mainly because I can snooze that reminder so many times I forget what I was supposed to be remembering. (happens every time)

I’m also pretty sure that I’m post-it note dependent. I have tons in various colors and sizes. I use post-its for or on anything and everything. **Madre (mother in latin) recently gave me these giant post-its, they’re 11×11 in and I love them!

Where I Bought Them:

All of these notebooks have either been purchased at target, Columbus State bookstore (cscc), or were gifted to me. I can rarely leave Target (specifically) without checking their notebook section.

I’m always on the hunt for a new notebook. I like to think of it that I have back ups for my back ups. And then there are just times when the notebook is too cute not to buy. Which is how I ended up with all the Columbus State ones (cscc), and I was encouraged to ‘just go ahead and get them’.

Plus good looking notebooks make great decor pieces. All of these used to be in their own section on my bookshelf. When I get a new bookshelf (mine recently fell apart-literally) I’ll probably arrange them differently, but they’ll still be on display.

Columbus State Bookstore Notebooks3

  • We are the movies and the movies are us. – David Ansen
  • …there is no enjoyment like reading! – Jane Austin
  • Remember, ideas become things.
  • It’s not what you look at that maters, it’s what you see. – Henry David Thoreau
  • Paris is always a good idea. – Aubrey Hepburn
  • …say things to the world that are true – Pablo Casala
  • Darth Vader vs French guy

Target Notebooks5

  • Trust your crazy ideas.
  • Whatever happened to the #1 pencil?
  • Write now.
  • Say cheese! (On back: smile)
  • Just my type. (same: on back)
  • Glasses, mustache and bow tie (bow ties are cool)
  • Shakespeare never tweeted a sonnet
  • Today is the day.

That’s 15 notebooks…don’t say it.

The Ones I Use (right now):

I’m currently only using 3 notebooks (technically): The Darth Vader, #1 pencil, and today is the day.

  • I’ve had 2 of the Darth Vader notebooks because I love them so much. Their by Miquelrius. This is the notebook that goes with me everywhere no matter what bag I’m carrying. If I’m going somewhere so is this notebook. I used to carry a smaller one then a bigger one and I didn’t like the size of either very much. So when I found this at cscc a couple of years back I feel I love. Mainly with the cover but I soon realized the size was ideal. What I really love is that the pages are color coded so you can use the colors as sections for specific things. I use the blue for personal, the red and grey for stories and blog writing, and the green is for misc.
  • The #1 pencil was an awesome find at target. I didn’t have a specific use for it at the time but when I was working at CHS and I had spare time in the gallery I started writing in it. So currently it has ideas and scenes for one of my stories. Sometimes I get an idea and start writing in the nearest notebook and this happened to be it. So that’s what I’m using it for.
  • Today is the day was used as my blog notebook. I’m not currently using it for anything except for a place to keep blog post ideas. I’ve color coded the tabs, green is for ITTSAA (me blog) and blue is for NG (this blog)

I have a couple other notebooks that aren’t in the photos mainly because their really basic 8×11. And I didn’t like how they looked with the others, one is covered in batman and union jack duct tape while the other has post-it notes all over it. Lets not talk about all the other notebooks that I own….

The main 8×11 notebooks are blog notebooks. The Batman/Brit one is older and has more random things in it. It also holds loose blog pages. And the post-it one has actual written out posts and series ideas, etc.

I Don’t Carry Them ALL With Me:

I’ve been really trying not to bring a large bag with me lately since there is never anything in it, or too much in it, so I don’t carry a notebook with me all the time.

But if I do it’s the Darth Vader one. And if I don’t I takes notes and write down ideas on my phone in Evernote. I feel that my note-taking/brainstorming system (ha – probably not the right word) is a whole post on its own. Let me know if you guys would like to see that.

Where You Can Buy:

I would’ve loved to have links for you guys to find any of these if you wanted to look into them. But sadly I couldn’t.

I knew I wouldn’t with the Columbus State ones because you have to go to the actually bookstore for things like that, and I bought those last year.

I couldn’t find the target ones online. But if you go to target you should be able to find a good amount of these still in store.

Okay I’m done being the crazy notebook lady, for now. Any of you joining me at the next N.A.A meeting? If so leave me a comment below or tweet me.


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